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From West Texas to the French West Indies and Back Again

Life Lessons from an Adventure of Walking with God
  • By Al Gary
Product Description

In the book of Genesis, the main detail given about Enoch's life is the fact that he walked with God. As followers of Christ, it is our desire that our lives resemble Enoch's in this one way: that we would be remembered as those who walked with the Lord.

What must it mean for a man to walk with God in a way that this would be the defining description of his life in the words of holy Scripture? This is the question author Al Gary explores in From West Texas to the French West Indies and Back Again: Life Lessons from an Adventure of Walking with God.

In this powerful personal story, Gary shares how God directed him to walk with his Lord and Savior and how you can begin an adventure with God at your side, just like Enoch. Throughout a thirty-seven-year international missionary career and a nine-year post-missionary ministry, Gary experienced a closeness with God that strengthened his relationship with Jesus Christ, transformed his spiritual perspective, and brought countless blessings and life-changing moments his way as he traveled the world for Christ.

Within each chapter, Gary provides profound biblical teaching from stories within Scripture that present life lessons for those seeking an intimate walk with the Lord. From in-depth looks at the prophets in the Old Testament to Paul's preaching about the Holy Spirit, these scriptural studies emphasize the lessons that defined Gary's God-led pathway through ministry.

From West Texas to the French West Indies and Back Again will inspire you to embrace a journey of walking with God as you pursue your God-given calling. Discover how your own story fits into the greater plan that God has for all of His children when you simply choose to follow Him.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781545680667
    • Manufacturer: Xulon Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781545680667
    • Publication Date: 11/28/2019
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Al Gary
    • Width: 1.00 inches
    • Height: 1.00 inches
    • Length: 1.00 inches
    • Weight: 0.06 pounds

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