Discover a renewed sense of your purpose and the courage to move from what it is to what can be.Albert Einstein once said, "Problems cannot be solved with the same mind-set that created them." To resolve our problems and deal with our mistakes, we must be willing to be transformed by God's process of healing and strengthening.
We have a tendency to think of our present situation in polarizing terms: good or bad, up or down. Due to the seasonal nature of our life experiences, this is an easy trap for many of us. We overlook the fact that there are transition times, such as the season between graduation and the amazing job; between divorce and remarriage; between the failure and the success.
THE SHIFT explores the ways we can survive the seasons in between with the courage that comes only when you're sure of God's purpose for your life. Discover a renewed sense of purpose and the courage to move from what is to what can be.