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Biblia Cu Predici Şi SchiŢe Pentru Predicatori

Product Description

This unique resource is designed to empower pastors and leaders to effectively preach and teach God's Word. This is much more than a commentary - it takes the best scholarly works available and combines them in a single resource. Inside each volume of The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible, you'll find: - A verse-by-verse outline alongside each passage of Scripture that draws out key concepts. - In-depth commentary synthesized from hundreds of trusted sources, including Matthew Henry, John MacArthur, Charles Spurgeon...and many more. - Thoughts designed to provide practical application of Scripture for your congregation. - Deeper studies that expand on original Greek sources, provide historical background, and explain key points. - An Outline & Subject Index designed for topical study - perfect for quickly creating messages on a particular theme. There's a volume of The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible series for nearly any sermon you can imagine. Explore the full series on our website at

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781574073539
    • Manufacturer: Leadership Ministries Worldwid
    • ISBN 13: 9781574073539
    • Publication Date: 09/23/2019
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Leadership Ministries Worldwide

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    This item is available for return. At Cokesbury, we offer various expedited shipping methods for an additional charge during checkout. However, products with long lead times and those shipped from a Cokesbury Connect Partner are not eligible for expedited shipping. If you select expedited shipping at checkout and your order includes items that cannot be expedited, you will receive a notice explaining that not all items are eligible.