Originally aired during 2000/2002. When Novacom Broadcasting moves in to the town of Odyssey, it gives every impression of being a reputable, family-friendly media company—until the unexplained events begin. Whit finds hidden cameras in his office—Eugene disappears without a clue to his whereabouts—and blueprints for the Imagination Station are stolen. Could Whit's invention be used for evil instead of good? Meanwhile, Connie begins dating a man who works for Novacom. But can she trust a guy who seems to be keeping secrets from her? Soon missionary Jason Whittaker (Whit's son) realizes the strange things he's noticed overseas lately may be pieces to this complex puzzle. The Novacom Saga is Adventures in Odyssey as you've never experienced it before
First time ever for the complete Novacom miniseries to be available in one exciting set Watch the actors in the recording studio in special video bonus material (CD-ROM). More than 1 hour of new interviews, bloopers, and other behind-the-scenes bonus material. Sixteen-page booklet with never-before-released “Evil Master Plan” of Novacom Broadcasting.