Está usted listo para un cambio total en su salud? Desea eliminar las toxinas del cuerpo? En este revolucionario libro, el Dr. Don Colbert, autor de la exitosa serie La cura bíblica, presenta un plan de 28 días para desintoxicar el cuerpo de las toxinas. Este plan está diseñado para restaurar el cuerpo, la mente y el espíritu.
Muchas personas nunca han ayunado, pero la versatilidad de este libro permite que ocurra una limpieza parcial luego de un período de dos o tres días, un plan de dos semanas para fortalecer el hígado contra los efectos de las toxinas o el protocolo de 28 días para ambas cosas: fortalecer el hígado y desintoxicar el cuerpo.
Why should you fast?
Even though you may have never fasted in your life, something caused you to pick up this book. Something in you is drawing you to the idea of fasting and detoxifying your body of the toxins you face in today's world.
You can't afford not to fast!
Don Colbert, MD, author of Toxic Relief and the Bible Cure series, provides a twenty-eight-day complete meal plan for cleansing the body of harmful toxins that is designed to restore you to health body, mind, and spirit.
This book's versatility includes a partial cleanse over a three-week period to provide liver support against the effects of toxins, a one-week juice fast to complete the cleansing process, or the total twenty-eight-day protocol to both support the liver and detoxify the body. In this book, you will also enjoy more than one hundred healthy recipes and a twenty-eight-day fasting journal.