Discover the greatest teachers of the Faith as Pope Benedict XVI highlights their essential role during a time of scandal and strife in the Church.
Focusing specifically on the 13th-century founding of the Franciscans by St. Francis of Assisi and the Dominicans by St. Dominic Guzm n, the pope said personal holiness led the two saints to preach and to help actualize a return to Gospel poverty, a deeper unity with the Church, and a new movement of evangelization, including within the European universities that were blossoming at the time.
Great Teachers include:
Hugh and Richard of Saint-Victor
William of Saint-Thierry
Rupert of Dutz
John of Salisbury
Peter Lombard
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Dominic Guzm n
St. Anthony of Padua
St. Bonaventure
St. Albert the Great
St. Thomas Aquinas
John Duns Scotus