The Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton series enjoys widespread popularity among parish-based small groups, religious communities, and contemplative retreat centers. The series has also been warmly accepted among members of ecumenical traditions.
Lent and Holy Week opens the writings of Thomas Merton in easily digestible pieces and eloquently pairs them with the words of other great spiritual thinkers. Designed for use in new or existing small groups between Ash Wednesday and Easter, this booklet offers readers an accessible introduction to contemplative dialogue and is built around eight compelling Lenten themes:
Week of Ash Wednesday: Where Do We Turn for Forgiveness?First Week of Lent: Living More Deeply in ChristSecond Week of Lent: A Season for Compunction and TearsThird Week of Lent: In All Things, Always Seeking GodFourth Week of Lent: Choosing with Christ to Love the WorldFifth Week of Lent: In the Service of Peace through Humility and Prayer Holy Week: Returning to the Source of Our Unity in ChristThe Resurrection of the Lord: Liberated to Redeem the World