How do Jehovah Witness beliefs compare to biblical Christianity? They claim to believe in Jesus and hold the Bible in high regard, but do they? Their door-to-door activity seems to show a devotion that amazes others. But what is really going on? Find out by watching this powerful 30-minute session covering the Jehovah's Witnesses (Watchtower Society).
Learn about the Jehovah Witnesses's history; founder and key leaders, including Charles Taze Russell; practices, and their beliefs about God, Jesus, the Church, what happens after death, and more. Discover the practical Do's and Don'ts when talking to Jehovah's Witnesses and uncover the answers to key questions, such as "When Jehovah's Witnesses say they believe in Jesus, what do they actually believe about him?" This DVD has all you need: 30-minute video + a PDF Leader Guide + a PDF Participant Guide. You don't have to be an expert to lead this 30-minute session.