The Power of Prayer & Fasting has been minimized by today's Church. God's power has been limited by the Church's lack of spiritual disciplined. There is too much of us and not enough of God being displayed in His pulpit. This is the season where the fruit of the Spirit will flow through the gifts of the Spirit and the glory thermometer will be raised in the body of Christ. The Power of Prayer and Fasting will usher in this great move of God in the earth. This is a simple ABC book on the Great Importance of Prayer and Fasting. May it create in you a desire to "Come away". enter the Most Holy Place. behind the veil where God Spirit is able to penetrate you. Pastor Anne Grant was born in Duncan's Town, Ragged Island in the Bahamas. She is an end time Prophetess, Teacher, Evangelist, and Revivalist who has been called by God to equip the saints for this hour. Her passionate spirit communicates the truth of God's word as she confidently shares the principles of being a spirit filled woman. Her burning testimony will penetrate the very core of your being. A Demolishant Agent in God's kingdom, Pastor Anne has experienced what it means to go through the fire and through the flood. She is also the author of "the Fragrance of Glory," "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled," "Are You a God Robber?" "Teach The Children How to Pray" and "Revelation - "Are You Ready?" Her life changing teachings will bring freedom and joy to your life.