At my first real job in a pharmacy during my last year of pharmacy school, Neil, the pharmacist and owner, was a marvel to watch. He could fill prescriptions, carry on multiple conversations, and still watch the Andy Griffith Show reruns on the TV perched in the corner of the pharmacy. One day, a customer asked Neil to hold a check for the price of the prescription. Neil responded that he could not. The customer said, "Neil, I thought you were a Christian " Neil's memorable comeback was, "I am a Christian, but I am not a doormat " Young and impressionable, the statement has always stuck with me: "I want to be a Christian, but I do not want to be a doormat." This book is about not being a doormat. Couched in an easy-to-read format, The Effective Will of God is about achieving boldly what God purposes for each Christian. Unfortunately, God doesn't wave His magic wand and, presto, place us in the "sweet spot." The effective will of God involves change, and it requires courage. The rewards, however, are powerful and breathtaking. I ask you to join me in a journey of personal growth as we discover the effective will of God. L. Edward (Eddie) Davis is a pharmacist and co-owner of two pharmacies in Sumter County, Alabama. Eddie and his wife Susan, a registered nurse, have raised three sons, Logan, Joe, and Clark. Together, they have founded a nonprofit organization, LEDfree Ministries Inc., whose purpose is to promote Christianity as an outward focus. A new author, Eddie draws from his rich spiritual heritage and twenty years in retail pharmacy to direct Christians to the motivational message contained in Ephesians chapter one. Eddie and Susan can be contacted at