Dr. Chuck Raup received his Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary and his Psy.D. from Rosemead Graduate School of Professional Psychology, LaMirada, California. His teaching experience includes graduate studies in the Counseling Department at Denver Seminary, Denver Colorado; graduate studies at The University of Houston in Victoria Texas; and both undergraduate and graduate studies at Rocky Mountain Bible College & Seminary in Englewood, Colorado. Chuck served as senior pastor at Westminster Bible Church and Grace Bible Church-in Victoria, Texas. He also served as Associate Pastor of Counseling Ministries at Parkway Church in Victoria. During his graduate studies in California, he was an Evangelical Free Church interim pastor in Glendora. His experience in psychology includes part-time private practice in both California and Colorado. Chuck and Jan have three grown children-Dr. Glenn Raup and his wife, Anissa, live in Fort Worth, Texas; Kim and her husband Matt Amen along with their children, Colby, Taylor, and Camryn live in Highlands Ranch Colorado; Gregg Raup, their youngest son, lives in Denver, Colorado. Chuck and his wife Jan live in Highlands Ranch, Colorado where Chuck maintains an independent ministry, Living Image Inc. For additional information Chuck can be reached at: livingHISimage_ministry@comcast.net.