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Foundational Discipling Principles

  • By Dr Robert Straube
Product Description
After 22 years of prayer, study, ministry observation, and seeking God's will through it all, the burden in my heart to teach disciples and raise-up Church leaders who are grounded in solid foundational principles has escalated into a powerful fervor. Therefore, my spirit has been compelled to put these principles into writing for the edification of the glory of the Lord for His kingdom. Many of these things have been taught in various forms and/or pieces. It has been my longing to put this to an organized, instructional tool that will firm up the believer's heart and mind and establish a solid foundation for disciples to build their calling upon, thereby launching the disciple's ministry for the purpose of accomplishing God's will for their lives. Like a drop of water spilled into a pool and rippling outward, it is my expectation that these teachings will ripple out into the world and change many lives. Dr. Robert "Doc" Straube was born in 1950 in Bethesda, Maryland. Growing up as a US Navy dependant he lived all around North America, Hawaii and the Caribbean, finally settling in the Seattle, Washington area. During his early college life, he earned Ph.Ds in Psychology and Business Economics. While teaching and studying at different institutions, Doc continually sought for spiritual truth studying various religions and philosophies. Finally, through God's grace, he received Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and became a born-again Christian in 1981. The Bible became his one and only source of truth. Desiring to have a complete and full relationship with Jesus Christ, he earned his third doctorate in Divinity/CHURCH LEADERSHIP. Through the love of Jesus Christ, Doc and his wife Jackie fulfill their call and commitment by helping the Church raise up disciples and training them to fulfill their ministry callings in Jesus Christ.
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    The following items and their quantities are included in the kit product: Foundational Discipling Principles

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  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781615799350
    • Manufacturer: Xulon Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781615799350
    • Language of Text: English
    • Publication Date: 04/22/2010
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Dr Robert Straube
    • Page Count: 488
    • Width: 9.01 inches
    • Height: 1.08 inches
    • Length: 5.98 inches
    • Weight: 0.10 pounds

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