Have you ever struggled in your prayer life? Do you feel a need to know and do God's will in your life? If so, this book is for you Each chapter looks at one petition of Jesus' great model prayer, often called the Lord's prayer, and examines how and what Jesus wanted Christians to pray. When we examine this great prayer, we get to know the goals of Jesus. We learn how he prayed and what he thought was important in life. Studying this prayer can help you to find purpose and meaning in your walk with Christ. You will also find a deeper sense of calling and direction for your prayer and for your pilgrimage with Christ. This study can help you develop a more profound theology, or understanding of who God is and what God's will is in our world today. Linda Oaks Garrett holds a Ph. D. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She has served in many different ways in Baptist churches in several states and has taught in several colleges and seminaries. She is an ordained minister and deacon and has been active in missions in each place where she has served. She thanks God for the beauty of the Lord's prayer and hopes reading this book will inspire and life up each reader's life.