Great Christian Thinkers is a concise, informative, amusing book, with everything one needs to know about the major theologians of the Christian Church over the past 2000 years. As a bonus, it gives a fascinating insight into the development of the Church and its theology. It answers the sort of questions that people who are not trained theologians might ask, in a way anybody can understand.
Although some may say the Bible is so simple anyone can comprehend it, it is likewise so profound it challenges even the most brilliant minds. This book summarizes what some of the eminent intellects - conservative and liberal, alike - have thought about the Bible.
Great Christian Thinkers can be used by a beginner or by an experienced theologian. It is both an invaluable aid for the student of theology and a helpful tool for the person in the pew. It will refresh the memory of the pastor working on a sermon. But most of all, it is an enlightening book that is informative . . . and fun.
Includes introductions to over 70 theologians including:
- Richard Baxter
- Augustine of Hippo
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- Francis of Assisi
- Ignatious of Antioch
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Teresa of Avila
- John Wesley