Yet we do speak wisdom among those who are mature; a wisdom, however, not of this age nor of the rulers of this age, who are passing away. - 1 Corinthians 2:6
There are too many trying to promote revival by pushing doctrines that have never produced a revival in all of church history. These doctrines are called new, but they are in reality as old as the early heresies that crept into the church. They have never had power to produce conviction of sin, conversion, or regeneration, so presumably they will not have that power today.
Some of the methods described in this book will appear novel to many, but they are methods that have been tried before, and proven effective. There is no mere theorizing in the book. Men whom God has used in winning souls to Christ and building up believers, have been asked to write out of their own experience. No one who has been asked to write has declined. Such a book as this seems to be an absolute necessity of the hour. There are thousands of ministers and other Christian workers in the land longing for a true revival of God's work, but with no experimental or even theoretical knowledge of how to go to work to promote such a revival. It is our earnest prayer and confident expectation that this book will prove helpful to all such men.