The time has come when a line should be drawn between the church and the world, and every Christian should give his heart and life completely to Christ. If it never troubles a man's conscience to spend a great deal of his time in questionable places of amusement and to take his family into places where there are degraded people for their own pleasure's sake, if he drives like Jehu all the week to make a dollar and moves like a snail toward spiritual things on the Sabbath- I believe that man is following the flesh; the divine nature is not in him; he is not walking after the Spirit, but after the flesh.
Oh, God hates a sham! It means a good deal to be a Christian, and if a person is going to be a Christian, let him put off the old man with all his deeds and put on the new man with the righteousness of Christ. That is the kind of Christians we need at the present time, for to be carnally-minded is death; but to be spiritually-minded is life and peace.
What are we going to do with the flesh? Let it be abolished! Let it be destroyed! Let us deny ourselves, take up crosses, and follow Christ. It is not God's plan to bring this corrupt body into His kingdom; it is going to be cast off at death, and, therefore, we had better put it away now.
List of Chapters
Ch. 1: The Ninety-First Psalm
Ch. 2: The Eighth Chapter of Romans
Ch. 3: Temptation
Ch. 4: Four Questions from God
Ch. 5: The Transfiguration
Ch. 6: Mary and Martha
Ch. 7: A Need for Revival