God is love. Of course we all know it . . . in our heads, at least. So why does it feel like he's far off and unconcerned""or may even be against us? We wonder, "Is God good in general, but not to me specifically?"
John's gospel assures us that God knew we were confused and wasn't surprised by our distrust. But he also wasn't content to be misunderstood, so he sent his Son to explain himself to us. Abby Hutto points out that each work of Jesus narrated in John reveals an aspect of God's character and nature.
Here she presents thirteen of these stories that show, through Jesus, who God is. Each one is accompanied by a testimonial of how modern-day believers have applied these truths to their own lives. These personal and Bible stories, along with further Scripture and personal-application and discussion questions, will show us that God is for us and draws our confused, distrusting hearts back to himself.