You sit down at your first church leadership meeting . . . and you're the moderator. Your church expects you to manage its budget. You need to prepare a sermon (or two) to preach every week. A couple wants you to help them repair their shattered marriage. You're facing one new circumstance after another--with inadequate preparation and no time to adjust. Have you misunderstood the Lord's calling? Realistic preparation for ministry can go a long way toward allaying the doubt and fear that arise during a pastor's make-or-break first year. Now a trainer of new pastors, Charles Wingard has more than three decades of his own pastoral experience. Here he gives essential, real-world help for navigating the primary duties of the minister: from sermon preparation and sacraments to visitation, counseling, and hospitality. You may receive a theological education, yet still leave seminary unequipped for the daily work that faces you in your first church. This book provides the tools you need to lead with confidence.