Satan. The Devil. Beelzebub. Each name makes us shudder. Christians are at war with an enemy who "doth seek to work us woe," and our souls hang in the balance. Known in Scripture as our "adversary," he prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. He delights in rendering believers powerless, ruining their testimonies, and destroying their lives. These are serious threats, but are we taking Satan seriously? Are we on guard against his agenda? Do we know how to stand firm against the Prince of Darkness?
Here respected pastor-scholars including Kent Hughes, Joel Beeke, and Sinclair Ferguson shine the light of Scripture on our ancient foe, identifying who he is, explaining how he operates, exposing his web of lies, and celebrating his final demise. You will be equipped to more fully understand the war we are engaged in and how you can "resist the devil" in the power of Christ.