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Immanuel Kant

  • By Shao Kai Tseng
Product Description
Immanuel Kant's stature in the history of Western philosophy is commensurate to Plato and Aristotle, almost unparalleled in modern times. His sophisticated, complex works were a watershed that drove the course of early modern and modern philosophy. In stressing that we do not possess the cognitive power to attain quasi-divine knowledge, he created a system that inevitably gave rise to the secularization of modern society. Kant has often been considered a modern archenemy of Christianity--and many Christians have accepted outdated misinterpretations of his work without going back to the sources or consulting recent academic literature. Writing firmly in the Reformed tradition, philosophy professor Shao Kai Tseng presents a reinterpretation and critical appreciation of Kant's thought. He shows his significance in art, science, and modern conceptions of human dignity, gives an overview of his philosophy, and closes with a critique from an orthodox Reformed perspective.
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781629957012
    • Manufacturer: P & R Pub Co
    • ISBN 13: 9781629957012
    • Publication Date: 10/02/2020
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Shao Kai Tseng

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