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Keep Tuning God In

  • By Donna Vanhorn
Product Description

Often humorous, sometimes soulful, always profound, this book is a collection of God-inspired spiritual insights by the author of Tune God In: Your Heart's His Receiver. You'll find more Bible-based wisdom and encouragement packaged within Donna's stories of her real-life experiences. Useful as daily devotions, each one-page vignette is an easy read, and concludes with a relevant Scripture verse pointing you to God as the one true source of peace and forgiveness this side of Heaven.

Excerpt from Keep Tuning God In: (Just Play The Game) "When I was growing up, my small Wisconsin home town fielded a baseball team. The Milton Merchants were like amateur baseball teams that sprang up in the 1950's all across Small Town America. The players, young men and older men pretending to be young, got together on Sundays and poured themselves into the competition - simply for the love of the game....Now that I'm in my 70's, as I look around me, it seems folks are making life much more difficult than they need to. My advice is to just play the game. God's given each of us a unique gift or talent, or package of talents. He desires us to develop and sharpen our gifts - and then just go out and play the game." Ecclesiastes 9:10 (NKJV) "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going."

Comments from readers of Donna's first book: Tune God In
"Donna has done a wonderful job sharing her faith and friendship with God through this devotional. You will be blessed with joy, laughter, tears and teaching." Lynn R.

"Thank you for writing this. I found it nostalgic, thought provoking, and reassuring. It also provided me with a push that I think we all need regularly." Ken S.

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  • Additional Details
  • Kit components
    The following items and their quantities are included in the kit product: Keep Tuning God In

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  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781630501303
    • Manufacturer: Xulon Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781630501303
    • Publication Date: 01/08/2020
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Donna Vanhorn
    • Width: 1.00 inches
    • Height: 1.00 inches
    • Length: 1.00 inches
    • Weight: 0.06 pounds

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