If you have ever thought of yourself as mediocre or if you have wondered if God can use you, God's Amazing Journey and Faithfulness will inspire you to greater expectancy and dependence upon the God who created you.
Psalm 145:4 says, "One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts." Prompted by that admonition and written from the heart to their grandchildren, Ron and Char's stories will stimulate faith, hope, and a vision of how fantastic it is to know God and fulfill His purposes. As their life circumstances unfold, their journey clearly reveals God's imagination, omniscience, sovereignty, and personal involvement.
From a spontaneous hitchhiking trip that led to marriage, to smuggling the JESUS film into a communist country, to stories of walking with God through heartache and brokenness, you will walk with them through the challenges and victories that tested and bolstered their faith. Within the pages of this powerful narrative of family, ministry, and life-changing moments with Christ, God's Amazing Journey and Faithfulness will encourage you to follow Jesus with boldness and embrace a life filled with the expectation of God's faithfulness.