Through an inspiration look at listening to God's voice, I have explore ten ways in which Christians can learn how to hear God speak to their hearts with scriptural understanding and Spiritual wisdom hearing God's voice. Ten ways to hear God speak offers an enlightening and practical approach to growing in intimacy with God.
I have maintained an affective confidence in God's spoken and written word in ten ways. Hearing God's voice is biblical and significant for teaching Christians of all ages and encouraging people just like you throughout this book series of hearing God's voice. Hearing God speak to us is the most common way God spoke to His prophets in the old Testament church, as well as in the new Testament Church today. Hearing God's voice is comforting and a powerful tool that allows Christians like you to grow in your walk with God.
This book also includes powerful insightful scripture verses that gives you enough knowledge to retain the biblical teaching and further develop your Spiritual context. As well as it will also support you to experience supernatural power of God in your life and your family which He has given us through His Son Jesus. As well as the book serves as a foundation in your Christian walk, as you journey. The truth in this book has the power to equip, inspire, restore and set you free. It builts your faith enables your walk to overcome every wiles of the enemy and every life obstacles.