"The subject of holiness or related topics of righteousness, purity, uprightness, faithfulness, and truthfulness are much less talked about in Christian conversations and are scarcely preached on because they are perceived as excesses that would discourage and scare people from the church and from following the Lord."
To refute that misconception, in Holiness: The Believer's Call, Michael Biryaberema considers the role holiness plays in our relationship with God. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, holiness is available to those who are born again. A life of holiness is spiritually rich and rewarding because of the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit within those who believe. "It is very difficult to intellectually appreciate what God requires of us until we make holy living our purpose, study His word, are filled with the Holy Spirit, and follow a disciplined prayer life with other believers. Holiness should be our daily expectation, our dream, our talk and walk, our business, our song--yes our daily connection with heaven."
His topics include
what is holiness?
God is holy
how holiness is God's will for His people
aspiring to holiness is both a call and gift from God
without holiness it is impossible to please God
repentance assures holy living
the joy of a Christian is in holy living
holy practice is the hope of nations
holiness is the ticket to heaven
how we can keep ourselves pure
Let holiness be preached
To Michael Biryaberema's credit, he makes holiness sound like a joyful and blessed state to be in: "When we receive the power to become children of God (John 1:12), when we receive the power of the Holy Spirit, we have crossed over from the position of habitual human defeat to a new place as the sons of God where we have a new nature and new weapons to overcome sin and the devil."