Technology is here and it is here in a big way. There is something new every day. We once relied upon a physical map to help us navigate from point A to point B. Now we have technology on all of our electronic devices that will keep us from getting lost. Similar to the navigational system on our devices, the Bible is our spiritual navigational system that will get us to our spiritually intended destination. We can find our way by
Earnestly seeking God, He said if you seek Him, He will lead you to Him
Believe that there is the truth that will lead you to salvation, and you can find it
Pray that He will show you the way
In this book, some obstacles are listed which may be in your way, but this book is laid out in such a simple way that anyone can understand it and follow the path to salvation. Come join me and share in the joy that I have, and the joy that awaits you. Pick it up, buy it today.