"Son of man, look with your eyes, hear with your ears, and think about all I am going to show you. For you have been brought here so that I may show it to you. Tell the people of Israel everything you see." (Ezekiel 40:4 NLV)God spoke to Ezekiel and still talks to us today if we learn to look with our eyes and hear with our ears what He wants to tell and show us. He takes our personal situations and finds ways to get our attention, teaching us deeper truths about Himself. He wants a more intimate fellowship with us if we are willing to listen and hear His still small voice.My hope is this book of short stories and more in-depth study at the end of the book will spur your faith in God. Jesus spoke to people in parables and He spoke to the disciples about having the eyes to see and the ears to hear in Matthew 13:10-17. Mary J. Wagner was raised in Illinois and lived in Arizona for some twenty years before moving to the Springfield, Missouri area. She is blessed by a wonderful husband and five children including two nephews she and her husband helped raise. Mary was beaten, broken, and burned and is alive to tell her story. She is the founder of The Faith Sisters, Inc., is a singer, inspirational speaker, and author.