How to Kill Twelve Birds with One Stone is to help the working pastor and to help others consider bivocational ministry. It is to encourage them to see the potential in this type of a ministry. The reader will be challenged with the "how to" as well as "the why." He will also see how to avoid some of the pitfalls in a bivocational ministry. There are many practical examples from the author's bivocational ministry to "flesh out" how it works. There is direction for the pastor, the church and his family. The reader will get a well-rounded view of bivocational ministry. You may laugh, you may cry, but hopefully you will be encouraged to consider bivocational ministry for the glory of God. Pastor Dale Seaman grew up in a pastor's
home and has been in the ministry for 42 years, the last 28 years as
pastor of Calvary Baptist Church of Porterville, California. He has been
a substitute teacher for 25 years of those 28 years. He and his wife,
Jane have 3 sons. He has a BA in Bible and an MA in Church
Administration from Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC. He also has
a BS in General Studies from Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA and a
Doctor of Ministry from Newburgh Theological Seminary in Newburgh, IN.