"Deliverance of a Lost Soul" is a compilation of writings similar to those of the Psalmist David of the Heavenly Scriptures. Written during different trials, Niki Batie found herself in very depressing situations. Through the power of the Word of God, she found herself praising and singing songs of deliverance. The history of David the Psalmist proves that anyone can find hope in God through speaking the word and looking directly at what Jesus has done for the believer. Through these writings Niki found herself at some points crying and through the power of reflecting on the history of God's love and allowing her deliverance to shine forth, she found hope for her tomorrow. She is influenced by writers of daily devotionals like Sarah Young, Joyce Meyer, and many other writers of the teaching of the Holy Bible. In this book you will find encouragement, reassurance of God's love for the believer and how any one can find hope through the power and positivity of theHoly Spirit. Jesus is the Savior of the World and Niki found herself at the throne crying out for His Deliverance. She is hoping that the writings in this book will help the reader to journal their way out in the same manner she was able to find salvation in calling on the name of the Lord. May you find more than hope in God's word and the testimonies ofNicarcia, a believer in Jesus Christ the Lord, King of Deliverance.She has a prayer website www.createdtoluvhimprayer.com where you will find more of her writing and her podcast that is published biweekly.Stop by the website and feel free to share these writings with a friend.