Ever since Darwin, the theory of evolution has increasingly prevailed in scholastic circles. Indeed, this prevalence has reached into many Christian scientific circles. The assumption is that evolution is science, and therefore the Bible has to be interpreted consistently with evolution if the Christian faith is to maintain credibility.But is evolution true science? Do Christians have to accede to its claims if they wish to be intellectually honest? Through a powerful book of both scientific and spiritual teaching, the author, Thomas F. Harkins, Jr., explores the theory of evolution through the works of Charles Darwin, Francis Collins, and John Sailhamer, while countering the arguments of these experts with biblical fact and truth. Through Christ-centered teaching, insightful knowledge, and an intellectual approach to the creation story, Evolution Claptrap - Ancient & Modern shares the reality of God's hand in creation while debunking the theory of evolution. Mr. Harkins is a Christian litigation and appellate lawyer in Fort Worth, Texas.