El sue o de los padres es que a sus hijos les vaya bien, que crezcan sinti ndose parte importante de un grupo familiar, y que vivan en fe bajo la bendici n de Dios. Sin embargo, muchos fallan en lograrlo porque ignoran c mo crear en su hogar una
cultura familiar de fe.
En este libro, Carla Stromberg Hornung, quien proviene de trece generaciones de servicio ininterrumpido al Se or, cuenta el secreto que encontr su familia para recibir la bendici n multigeneracional de la fe cristiana. Te va ense ando, de acuerdo con cada etapa de tus hijos, c mo edificar la
cultura familiar de fe. La autora alude a un beneficio adicional de la lealtad familiar a Dios: "Al tener a Dios como centro de nuestra cultura familiar, tenemos algo en com n entre la generaci n de hoy y las generaciones m s antiguas. Eso fortalece nuestras relaciones, y a cada miembro de nuestras familias".
Comienza cont ndoles tu historia a tus hijos. Decide crear en tu hogar la
cultura familiar de la fe. Aprende con Carla Hornung c mo criar y educar a tus hijos para que la fe sea su estandarte hoy, ma ana y por generaciones.
Every parent dreams on a nice, fulfilled life for his children. He wants them to be raised with values, happy to belong in a loving family, blessed by God, and embracing faith in Him. However, many of them fail at it because they don't know how to create a
faith family culture.
In this book, Carla Stromberg Hornung, a family member from thirteen generations of uninterrupted devotion to the Lord, shares the secret that her family found to receive the multigenerational blessing of Christian faith. She shows you, in every detail, how to build the
faith family culture through every stage in your children's lives.
There is an additional benefit from family faithfulness to God: "Since we all have God as the center of our family culture, we have something strong and unifying in common between the present generation and the old ones.That strengthens our relationships, and every member of the family."
Start telling your story to your kids. Determine to create the
faith family culture at home. Learn with Carla Honung how to raise your kids to make sure that faith is their foundation today, tomorrow and for generations to come.