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Diamantes En La Noche

Los Cielos Más Hermosos Están En Los Lugares Más Oscuros
  • By José Luis Navajo
Product Description
Crees en los ngeles? -Me preguntaron un d a. - Claro que s -respond de inmediato.
Lo que jam s imagin es que ellos, los ngeles, fueran a intervenir en mi vida de la forma en que lo hicieron. Esta podr a ser la reflexi n de Julio, el protagonista de Diamantes en la noche.
l y su esposa Sara son un matrimonio feliz; tienen dos hijas y tres nietos. Ambos aman a Dios y le sirven mientras disfrutan de una hermosa estabilidad en todos los mbitos de su vida.
De pronto, su existencia se ve dinamitada por un comunicado que quiebra los pilares de su vida.
De tal calibre es el se smo, que la fe de Julio se resquebraja y comienza una feroz lucha entre la esperanza y la desesperaci n.
En este drama interviene el mundo de la luz, utilizando como cauce a tres ni os que, sin duda, har n vibrar las fibras m s sensibles de los lectores. Pero tambi n interviene el mundo de la oscuridad. De ese modo comprobaremos que lo que ocurre en nuestro mbito natural no es sino un reflejo de la batalla que se libra en el mundo espiritual. Asistiremos a la confrontaci n entre las dos grandes superpotencias: el bien frente al mal. La luz frente a las tinieblas. Un principado frente a un Rey. Pero una de las dos superpotencias reconocer la supremac a de la otra.
Diamantes en la noche dibujar sonrisas y provocar risas, pero tambi n humedecer los ojos con frecuencia y ablandar el barro de nuestro coraz n, torn ndolo en arcilla moldeable.
Pero sobre todo, avivar nuestra fe.

"Do you believe in angels?" they asked me one day.
"Of course " I answered immediately.
What I never imagined was that the angels were going to intervene in my life the way they did.
This could be the recollection of Julio, the protagonist of Diamonds in the Night.
He and his wife, Sara, have a happy marriage, with two daughters and three grandchildren. Both love God and serve Him while enjoying beautiful stability in all areas of their lives.
Suddenly, Julio's existence is rocked by a statement that threatens to break apart the pillars of his life.
This becomes the earthquake that cracks Julio's faith, as a fierce struggle between hope and despair begins. The world of light intervenes in Julio's life, using three children as a channel sure to resonate with readers. But the world of darkness also intervenes. This battle between good and evil reminds us that what happens in our natural environment is nothing but a reflection of the battle that is being waged in the spiritual world.
We witness the confrontation between the two great superpowers: good versus evil. The light in front of the darkness. A principality in front of a King. But only one of the two superpowers will recognize the supremacy of the other.
Diamonds in the Night will draw smiles and provoke laughter, but it will also moisten the eyes and soften the muddy heart, turning it into moldable clay.
Above all else, it will increase our faith.

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  • Kit components
    The following items and their quantities are included in the kit product: Diamantes En La Noche

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  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781641235501
    • Manufacturer: WHITAKER HOUSE SPANISH
    • ISBN 13: 9781641235501
    • Publication Date: 07/07/2020
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: José Luis Navajo
    • Width: 1.00 inches
    • Height: 1.00 inches
    • Length: 1.00 inches
    • Weight: 0.06 pounds

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