Dr. Donald Carmont seeks to delve beneath the Sunday morning expression and experience of worship, to transcend style and identify the true substance of worship that should be the everyday norm of believers, embracing the principle that worship is all of life.
He describes Naked Worship as worship that is unfeigned, transparent, real, authentic and without guile or pretense: worship that is pure, simple, honest and open before God. Naked worship means that we come before God bare, stripped of any self-righteousness, works, good deeds, or any rites or rituals by which we might hope to impress Him.
His quest begins with a panoramic view of the Scriptures as a worship encyclopedia, examining worship encounters in the Scriptures, beginning with the first worship experience recorded in Genesis, and finding its crescendo in the worship of the redeemed in the Book of Revelation.
Thus, the author develops a theological base for true worship, to enable believers to realize the truth articulated in the shorter Westminster catechism, "Man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever."