God Has a Purpose for You, Daughter of the King Do you struggle with feelings of inadequacy, inferiority, and worthlessness? Do you ever ask yourself:
Am I worth anything?
Is it wrong to be an introvert?
How do I deal with my broken past?
Don't think you're alone. Millions of others have faced the same battles you do--and have overcome them. They've been victorious by learning to see themselves as God sees them--as unique individuals ready to make a special contribution in the world. They've come to understand that they were
Created for a Purpose. And so were you. That's the message of this devotional: God made you, loves you, and has a plan for your life. Take that message to heart, then read on and be inspired as you come to know God's ultimate purpose--to create eternal beauty in your life.
Dios tiene un prop sito para ti, hija del Rey Luchas con sentimientos de ser inadecuada, inferior e in til? Te has preguntado alguna vez:
- Sirvo para algo?
- Est mal ser introvertida?
- C mo puedo ocuparme de mi pasado roto?
No creas que est s sola. Millones de mujeres m s se han enfrentado a las mismas batallas que t ... y las han vencido. Han triunfado aprendiendo a verse tal como Dios las ve: como individuos nicos listos para hacer una contribuci n especial al mundo. Han llegado a comprender que fueron
Creadas con un prop sito. Y t tambi n. Este es el mensaje de este devocional: Dios te hizo, te ama y tiene un plan para tu vida.
T mate ese mensaje en serio, sigue leyendo y s inspirada cuando conozcas el prop sito supremo de Dios: crear belleza eterna en tu vida.