Growing up in a dysfunctional home in the Netherlands, Remko Jorritsma began smoking, drinking, and using drugs at a young age. He was on the path to destruction, constantly finding himself needing the next fix and never really feeling whole. But just when you think your life is going to end, God can come in and do some amazing things and set you on a completely different path altogether.
From the divorce of his parents, which left him feeling like a boy without a home, to run-ins with the police and encounters with drug dealers, Jorritsma lays it all out there in hopes of helping others who may have lost their way. In Off the Streets and On the Way, Jorritsma details his own journey from living on the streets, addicted to drugs, to finding the Way, the Truth, and the Life in Jesus Christ.
This honest and raw look into the life of a drug addict will humble any reader and offers hope to those who struggle with their own addictions. God is more powerful than any addiction and can set you on the Way as well.