Through a powerful book that sheds light on the spiritual foundations of Christlike leadership, Temidayo explores the experiences of David and his mighty men, showcasing the lessons found within the lives of these men and how believers can grow as leaders by applying these biblical traits to their own walks with Christ. With a scriptural approach to leadership, Mighty Men Needed: Timely Instructions for Today's Leaders and a Necessary Equipping for Tomorrow's Frontrunners offers Christians excellent guidance, great wisdom, and undeniable truth to help them remain strong in the Spirit of God. Temidayo Adewole is a Christian author and a campus crusader for the gospel of Christ. He has invested over twenty years, serving the Body of Christ in various capacities. Currently, he provides mentorship to Christian youths and spiritual enablement to University Christian Fellowships in Canada. Some other books by the author: A Closer Look at the Believer's Security, Marriage Models, and For this Cause.