Armored with Readiness - God Talk for the Everyday Christian is written for the captivated Christian and particularly students of the Word. This work will be especially welcomed by Bible teachers, clergy, and want-to-be theologians. Our foes are the world, the Devil, and the flesh. The features of this book include characteristics of Christian leadership, prayer growth, Biblical interpretation, and systematic theology to include the topics of sin, integrity, and marriage towards building armor to help combat the foes. Of note is the cover-to-cover contemplation for the reader that doctrine is for disciples who desire to walk the way of Jesus Christ. Do the deaf hear God's Word? Who wrote the book of Hebrews? What is double predestination? Can you marry the wrong person? What exactly is original sin? From Apostolic Tradition to the Reformation, from the blood and body of Christ to remembrance, from Church tradition to the sacraments, and from fides implicita to sola scriptura, this book is a must for both Catholics and Protestants. In his third year at Colorado Theological Seminary, Eric is a perpetual student of the Word. He is a contributor in the Catholic men's ministry TMIY (That Man Is You), the Protestant men's ministry at Colorado Community Church, and facilitates both Reformed and Catholic Bible studies. He is a graduate of the Denver Catholic Bible School administered by St. John Vianney Theological Seminary. Eric is a retired U.S. Air Force Cold War veteran. Eric and his wife, Tina, reside in Colorado and have seven children. He expects to graduate with his Doctorate in Ministry by 2022.