God has been involved in a relentless pursuit of mankind since the first ominous shadow fell on Eden. Though our nature is to reject Him, He has never rejected us. On the contrary, He courts us, woos us, draws us, and yes, romances us to come home. In an unmatched display of chivalry, God entered our dire circumstances in a daring rescue. But romance is not just grand gestures. It is attentiveness to the smallest details of our lives. Explore within the pages of this book the nature of our rebellion and the devotional romance within the loving heart of your God-to seduce us with the one unchangeable aspect of life-Truth. Patch Spears, a native Texan, has seven children and resides in Arlington, Texas, with his wife, Patricia. After a life of self-indulgence and bad choices had all but destroyed him, Patch found himself a two-year resident of the Texas Department of Correction. Patch writes: "The hand of providence is quite often beset with arthritic irony. An initially tragic situation becomes divine opportunity." Surrounded by inexhaustible biblical resources, Patch spent almost every waking hour in study of the Word of God, Hebrew and Greek language, and countless commentaries by the greatest Christian thinkers in history. Defending the Truth became his passion and purpose. Patch is a committed follower of his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and seeks to share the knowledge and power of the Gospel through his unique testimony.