In 2026, the US is taken over by radical Islamic terrorists. Using three separate nuclear devices, they leveled portions of New York, Los Angeles, and St. Louis. ROSIE CHAVEZ, a Christian nurse, learns what it's like to live under the totalitarian regime of Sharia Law. JAMAL KADIB, the DFW imam, is becoming increasingly reluctant to serve as the hard-driving radical Islamist when he sees the devastating results of the caliph's directives. He has to oversee the murder of people, the confiscation of property of others, and the 45-mile march of millions of infidels to a concentration camp. Rosie must respond to the edict to leave her home and join the march as she smuggles her injured child out of a hospital which is disposing of people who are of no value to the government. Rosie endures the brutal experience only to see God come through for her and others. I was born and raised in South East Idaho. I graduated from Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas with a degree in English. I worked for the Department of Energy, ultimately as the Information Director for the Idaho National Laboratory, until I retired in SW Utah. I enjoy an outdoor life of fishing, hiking, and photography with my spouse of 50 years. GO FROGS!!