The Rudder is a voyage through the Book of Job. The Book of Job starts with Job being the most prominent man in all the East and ends with him being twice as prominent, healthy, and living to a satisfied old age with his children and grandchildren to four generations. Can something good be in the Book of Job? Absolutely. Take the exciting voyage and read about the raven, the ostrich, the horse, the hippo, the crocodile, the hedge, the accuser, the widow at Zarephath, fear, doors of the seas, Job's three friends and more in The Rudder. Rozelia Harris is a Mississippi native. She grew up in historic Vicksburg, the city on the high bluff of the east bank of the Mississippi River. After graduating high school she continued her education, earning a Bachelor's Degree and MBA. She enjoys traveling and watching high school and collegiate football and basketball. Rozelia has fond memories of growing up in church and was born again in May of 1994. She has served in various areas in her local church including: Choir, Children's Church, Greeting Team, Prayer Ministry, and Pulpit Ministry.