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The Meeting House

at Harbor and Divine
  • By T. W. Poremba, Lt Col Robert Capes Usaf Rt, Everett Stoddard
Product Description
As they recover from a shootout in their own chapel between the FBI, DEA and assassins from the Copper Canyon Drug Cartel, the Harbor and Divine Mission team in Cleveland discover there is a great need to help other people recover from life-shattering traumatic events. Already wounded themselves in body and spirit by war, domestic abuse and the traumatic death of loved ones, they parlay their terrifying experience of being shot and shot at into motivation to help friends and neighbors in Cleveland's Near West Side recover from their own invisible wounds of PTSD brokenness. Those friends of the mission then turn the mission's old brick manse into a safe harbor meeting room and coffee house for the healing of people broken by life's destructive traumas, and they rename it, "The Meeting House." While struggling with their own brokenness, the Harbor and Divine Mission team discover the power of hope, friendship and love to heal traumatically broken lives. T.W. Poremba has a lifetime of love for the Near West Side of Cleveland where he was born. As the setting for his Harbor and Divine Series, Cleveland's Near West Side spawns heroic effort, loving friendships and healing hope from a mission at the corner of Harbor and Divine. T.W. Poremba styles a cast of characters filled with love, faith and hope for one another and for all the struggling people who live in the inner city. His own love for the Lord, for people in need and for comrades in faith fills every conversation on every page with people of high character, deep respect, faith-generated hope and heart-warming humor. He and his wife and chief editor, Cathleen Lewis Poremba, are certain that in this book you will find victories to cheer, love to cherish and hope to inspire you to find healing in your own brokenness and love in your own loneliness. God's blessings to you all, T.W. and Cathleen Poremba
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781662889240
    • Manufacturer: Xulon Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781662889240
    • Publication Date: 01/09/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: T. W. Poremba
    • Author: Everett Stoddard
    • Author: Lt Col Robert Capes Usaf Rt

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