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Essential Counseling Concepts and Skills for Christians

  • By Merrian Taylor Campbell
Product Description

Liberating ourselves from anything and anyone that hinders our growth and development allows us to rid ourselves of negative toxic feelings and experience healing and wholeness. The author believes that God is an integral part of the counseling experience.

I've been working on this book for several years. I decided to publish it to give back to those who: (1) may not have studied pastoral care and counseling in academia, and (2) who desire to enhance their knowledge and skill of pastoral care and counseling. I'm a Christian counselor whose ministry is one of healing. In seeking healing and wholeness, I believe that we must take responsibility for our own lives, so that we can grow into our fullest potential and become all that God created us to become. I believe that God is an integral part of the counseling process and I am a vessel used by God to help others explore the issues in their lives that hinder them from making wise choices, living righteously, being their best self, and living their best life. As a spiritual midwife, I become an enlightened witness to the story of the client and my challenge becomes that of consciously and consistently viewing the client as a child of God who is being molded by God. In this book, readers will learn the concepts and skills of pastoral care and counseling, the importance of stories and oral tradition, terminology specific to the field, the necessity of documentation, and information to include on counseling forms.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781664209930
    • Manufacturer: Westbow Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781664209930
    • Publication Date: 11/23/2020
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Merrian Taylor Campbell

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