Do you want to reclaim your nation, your family, your church, and your life? Then this is what God is calling you to do! To help you understand that calling, author Terry Hartikka offers his life message from heaven to you.
The Fortress and the Firebrand presents Pastor Hartikka's journey through an unusual number of difficulties that might cause people to question how a God of love could allow such things. It details how God often turned the pain of the past into power for the future. Pastor Hartikka is as a brand plucked out of the fire, and Jesus is his fortress. Through the many lessons he learned along the way-from extreme fatigue to being used to raise a man up from the dead-he provides an honest look at how God took an ordinary man with many faults and showed him His love and presence.
This inspirational personal narrative serves as a message of encouragement and preparation for our future as individuals and as a nation.