In the 1980s in Texas, a young attorney stumbles into a mystery unfolding on various levels-personal, legal, political, moral, and spiritual. A plane crashes in a storm, leaving two people dead. The event threatens an important transaction for Arthur Stone's law firm involving Marshland Savings Association. Worst of all, his life and career may be at risk as well. This mystery involves family members, a special forces officer, drug dealers, high-level financiers, and the intelligence community. Is there more than meets the eye? The trouble begins off the coast of Africa, where a hurricane is forming, then moves to central Mexico, to Houston, and as far as San Miguel de Allende. Beneath the obvious, earthly and unearthly powers appear to be working with unknown intent. Only time will tell whether those involved will emerge whole. Something is wrong in Texas-even Mother Nature seems upset! In a time of financial crisis, when excessive lending and risk-taking are devastating an entire industry, a diverse cast of characters encounter death, betrayal, and emerging faith.