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Extraordinary Evidence for an Extraordinary Claim
  • Foreword by Luke Ijaz
  • By Nick Meader
Product Description
The popular phrase, ""extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"" assumes all miracle claims have failed. If so, why waste time exploring the evidence for Jesus's resurrection? Nick Meader applies his background in statistics and psychology to explore Carl Sagan's catchy phrase. Should we assume that the laws of nature are all there is? Is Jesus's life, death, and resurrection consistent with expectations of the promised Messiah? Setting aside these questions can often leave us talking past each other. Considering these questions helps us make sense of the evidence for Jesus's resurrection. In these pages you'll find: -a Bayesian argument for Jesus's resurrection; -a multidisciplinary approach applying insights from biblical theology, psychology, philosophy, statistics, and religious studies; -a cutting-edge evaluation of psychological explanations for the evidence; -a novel argument for the existence of God.
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781666783056
    • Manufacturer: Resource Pubn
    • ISBN 13: 9781666783056
    • Publication Date: 09/13/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Nick Meader
    • Author: Luke Ijaz

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