Experience Grace and Go Free from the Weight of Religion
Do you love God but feel like you're on the outside looking in? Do you feel judged and unaccepted? And are you altogether tired of trying to measure up?
It's time to break free!
Greg Stephens, associate minister at Kenneth Copeland Ministries, has personally experienced the prison of religion and encountered the profound freedom Jesus offers, and he wants you to know the same freedom. In Breaking Free from Religion, Greg outlines the importance of throwing off the Pharisaical chains of tradition and legalism to embrace the truth of grace.
You will discover the authentic encounter with God you've longed for as you experience how...
- Really free you are
- Jesus defeated sin so you can defeat legalism
- God doesn't want perfect people-just people who want Him
- You can live from the inside out, not the outside in
You don't have to remain under religion's whip any longer. Breaking Free from Religion will help you discover the deep and abiding freedom that Jesus makes possible!