Is there hope for America? Will we become the nation that we are capable of becoming? Is it possible for our country to turn to God for moral direction and government based on integrity? Or will we slip deeper and deeper into moral and spiritual decay?
Our first responsibility is to set our own hearts on doing God's will. During the days of Micah the prophet, God's people kept straying spiritually and nationally. He asked them, "...what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:6).
When our own hearts are right with God, then we can join together to humbly seek God's forgiveness and guidance. Only God can turn our nation from its downward spiral and put it on the road to righteousness.
A guiding prayer for such a hope was first spoken several years ago in the Kentucky legislature by Pastor Bob Russell. His prayer became widely known later that year when his friend Joe Wright read his version before the Kansas State House where it caught the attention of the media and the Internet...