For those who make copious notes while studying, sometimes even a wide-margin Bible might not provide enough space. Introducing the NLT Loose-Leaf Bible?the perfect solution for pastors, students, Bible study leaders, or anyone who wants to study the Bible in depth.
In addition to the generous 1.25-inch margins, the loose-leaf format means you can add as many pages as you need, wherever you need them. The comfortable 9.5-point type offers easy readability, with center-column references and a concordance offering easier study. The 8.5 x 11 inch pages can be used in any standard 3-ring binder.
Features include:
? Center-column cross references
? Concordance
? Blank pages for additional note taking
? 8 1/2 x 11 inch pages
? Pages that can be used in 3- or 5-ring binders