Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Vessels. The Bible is full of women who are just like you and me; ordinary women who journeyed with God in their every day lives, and in the process became extraordinary vessels. Deborah, Hagar, Hannah, and a simple slave girl--these are just some of the women we can learn so much from to live our lives for God .
The women in this book may not have thought of themselves as special. But they certainly knew how special God was--and is God knew that each one had hidden talents and abilities, just like we do. He used the circumstances of their lives to draw out their giftings, and they continue to glorify him through the message of their lives as recorded in the Bible.
As you read Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Vessels, you will glean nuggets of insight, pearls of wisdom, and deepen your understanding of the Bible. You will learn lessons about life, about God, and about yourself. You will learn spiritual principles and practical applications that will develop your walk with God, connect you on a more personal level with others, and help you to reach out to those who don't know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
God transforms lives, and God will transform you too Be prepared to be challenged and inspired. Be prepared to give your life wholly to God. Then prepare yourself for God to do amazing things in and through you.