God wants you to be like a lion‚"‚€‚"courageous, strong, and fearless In this book, you will find 90 daily devotionals to help you learn about how God made you unique, how to be prepared‚"‚€‚"not scared, and how to follow God every day. You were created by God for a purpose
Chew on This‚"‚€‚"Learn a Bible Verse The lions' teeth are like swords they use to fight their enemies. Like their teeth shred the meat they eat, God wants us to tear into His Word daily and devour it. Ephesians 6:17 tells us that the Word of God is like a sword we can use in fighting any battles going on around us.
Under the Tree‚"‚€‚"Read a Devotional Story Lions live in families, and they rest and sleep under a tree. The big canopy of the tree is like a den for them. We, too, need to sit in the shade of God each day, read His Word, and learn from Him.
Pondering Paws‚"‚€‚"Write or Draw in Journaling Time A lion's paws are equipped with soft pads to make its movements quiet. God wants us to learn how to be still and