Dr. Fran Bunsenburner, a.k.a. Tina Houser, is back and better than ever Step into her laboratory where kids will see things bubble over, shoot off into the sky, shrink, hang upside down mysteriously, and more Most importantly, they'll observe science experiments that all help them learn more about the Word of God.
Book Features:
53 new experiments
Full-color pictures and step-by-step instructions
Experiments all relate back to the Bible and teach kids about Scripture
Book can be used by children's ministry workers, homeschoolers, parents, grandparents, pastors, or anyone who wants a fun, unique, attention-grabbing way to teach the Bible.
Includes the experiments: Disappearing Eggshell, Egg in a Bottle, Elephant Toothpaste, Light Bulb in Microwave, PVC Kazoo, Spinning Chair, Standing Broom, Upside Down, and many more